Restart Story

Rambo: Cool. let's cyber. Also here are the [[credits]].
Mambo: Hey that's cool I like to dance [[{{{>>>}}}|chat3]]
Rambo: Hey I like rabbits [[{{{>>>}}}|chat2]]
/*White background with black text for crediuts*/\n\n.passage { \n background-color: inherit;\n color: #000000; /*the font color*/ \n }\n.passage a {\n color: #111111; /*The link color*/\n}\n\nbody { background-color: #FFFFFFSR; }
--let the player undo moves? (on / off)\n--in sugarcane, this enables the browser's back button.\n--in jonah, this lets the player click links in previous\n--passages.\n\nundo: off\n\n--let the player use bookmarks? (on / off)\n--this enables the bookmark links in jonah and sugarcane\n--(if the player can't undo, bookmarks are always disabled.)\nbookmark: on\n\n--obfuscate the story's html source to prevent possible\n--spoilers? (swap / off)\n\nobfuscate: off\n\n--string of letter pairs to use for swap-style obfuscation\n\nobfuscatekey: jehxyozinlmaswcbvkdupgqfrt\n\n--include the jquery script library? (on / off)\n\njquery: off\n\n--include the modernizr script library? (on / off)\n\nmodernizr: off\n
/*The style sheet for orange, centered Capsule text*/\n.passage { \n background-color: inherit;\n font-family: "Courier New", Monaco, monospace; /*Make sure to put quotes around fonts with spaces in the names*/\n text-align: center ;\n color: #ffaa00; /*the font color*/\n }\n\n.passage a {\n color: #ffaa00; /*The link color*/\n}\n\nbody {\n background-color: #000000;\n} \n
/*The style sheet for Magenta Chat passages.*/\n\n.passage { \n background-color: inherit;\n color: #ff00ff; /*the font color*/ \n text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #000000; /*this is the little black drop shadow - I think it makes the magenta easier to read on the gray, but feel free to remove*/\n}\n.passage a {\n color: #00ff00; /*The link color*/\n}\n\nbody { background-color: #777777; }
/*Black background white text stylesheet*/\n\n.passage { \n background-color: inherit;\n color: #FFFFFF; /*the font color*/\n }\n.passage a {\n color: #EEEEEE; /*The link color*/\n}\n\nbody { background-color: #000000; }
/*The style sheet for Green Chat passages.*/\n\n\n.passage { \n background-color: inherit;\n color: #00ff00; /*The font color*/\n text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #000000; /*this is the little black drop shadow - i think it makes the magenta easier to read on the gray, but feel free to remove*/\n}\n }\n.passage a {\n color: #ff00ff; /*The link color*/\n}\n\nbody { background-color: #777777; } \n\n\n
This is a thing with like, white font and all sorts of lonely black space stuff yuck\n\ncheck out the [[second page]]
Here's some more white text\n\nit's great\n\nLet's look at a [[capsule page]]
This is the capsule page it's all like I'M A CAPSULE and I'm like WHATEVER BRO\n\nI mean it's even CENTERED\n\nSo rad\n\nHere's some more capsule stuff: [[capsule2]]
Writing by daphny\n\nThe sun is a mass of incandescent gas\n\na gigantic nuclear furnace\n\nwhere hydrogen is built into helium\n\nat a temperature of MILLIONS OF DEGREES good lord
/*This one applies to all the passages, not just special tagged ones*/\n\n.passage .title { display: none }\n.passage a { \n font-weight: bold; /*makes links bold*/\n text-decoration: underline; /*underlines links*/\n}\n.passage .toolbar { display: none }\n.passage { font-size: 200%; }\n#footer { display: none }\n#floater { display: none;} /*this gets rid of the Restart Story link in the upper right */
I'm a robot\n\nSee my tiny little robot arms\n\nWait maybe i'm a t-rex\n\nLet's look at [[some chat|chat1]]